Configuring your simulation

All ensemble configuration is set by the ens_config.json file in the main CHEEREIO code directory. This file contains all the information that the user would normally input in the process of making a GEOS-Chem run directory, in addition to other settings like cluster configuration, global assimilation variables (like the localization radius), the composition of the state and control vectors, links to observations, and details about which emissions can be assimilated. This file is in JSON format, which is a format that is human readable but enforces a strict syntax.

Because CHEEREIO requires many of the ensemble settings to be globally available to many different types of scripts and programs, written in different languages and stored in in different directories, it expects a very particular kind of installation and run process and for user settings to be made available in a strict JSON format (so that they can be read by scripts in multiple languages). This page explains how to customize the ensemble to meet your needs. This isn’t merely a technical process: the user makes important scientific assumptions in this step!

Important: CHEEREIO constantly references the ens_config.json file throughout runtime. Changes to this file during runtime will change the settings of the ongoing assimilation calculation. However, there are some settings that are applied at the time of template run directory creation (e.g. cluster settings like memory usage) and cannot be adjusted at runtime via the ens_config.json file. To be safe, you should redeploy the ensemble when you make changes to the configuration file and avoid making any changes during runtime.

Let’s walk through the configuration file section-by-section, after first covering some basic formatting requirements.

JSON formatting

JSON stores data in a form very similar to a Python dictionary. To have a basic idea of what CHEEREIO expects, let’s take a look at the first ten lines from an example ens_config.json file:

        "comment000" : "***************************************************************************",
        "comment001" : "****************BEGIN BASIC GEOS-CHEM AND ENSEMBLE SETTINGS****************",
        "comment002" : "***************************************************************************",
        "RES" : "4.0x5.0",
        "met_name" : "MERRA2",
        "LEVS" : "47",
        "NEST" : "F",
        "REGION" : "",
        "ASSIM_PATH" : "/n/home12/drewpendergrass/CHEEREIO_no2",
        "RUN_NAME" : "NOx_GLOBAL_v2",
        "MY_PATH" : "/n/holyscratch01/jacob_lab/dpendergrass/GC-LETKF",
        "DATA_PATH" : "/n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData",
        "CH4_HEMCO_ROOT" : "/n/seasasfs02/CH4_inversion/InputData/HEMCO",
        "USE_CHEEREIO_TEMPLATE_CH4_HEMCO_Config" : "False",
        "RESTART_FILE" : "/n/holyscratch01/jacob_lab/dpendergrass/GC-LETKF/input_data/GEOSChem.Restart.20190101_0000z.nc4",

The first line of the file is a left curly bracket, while the final line is a right curly bracket; inside are a set of keys associated (left side of the colon) associated with values (right side of the colon) by the colon operator. CHEEREIO only obtains values by key reference. For example, it will always obtain the resolution of the run (in this case 4x5) by searching for the value associated with the “RES” key. Line number does not matter, but each line must end in a comma.

JSON does not support comments. The first three key-value pairs were chosen to approximate a comment, but make no difference at run time.

Values need not be strings; some of the CHEEREIO settings are supplied in the form of arrays or sub-dictionaries. Two examples from ens_config.json are shown below (and will be discussed in greater detail later):


However, CHEEREIO does expect all values in ens_config.json as strings. If a setting is given by a number, wrap that number in quotation marks.

Important: There is one subtlety in this particular configuration file: colons in the WallTime and SpinupWallTime entries (covered later) must be escaped with two backslashes (\\). The first backslash escapes the second backslash in JSON; the second backslash escapes the colon in the SED unix utility which is used in the CHEEREIO installation process. For example, to allow a one day eight hour simulation, you would write "WallTime" : "1-08\\:00",.

Important: Follow the capitalization conventions in the template ens_config.json file! CHEEREIO is case sensitive.

More details on the JSON format are available on the JSON website. When in doubt, follow the conventions in the template ens_config.json file!

A line-by-line guide to ensemble configuration

The rest of this section will cover the various parts of the ens_config.json file and the settings they control.

Basic GEOS-Chem and ensemble settings

The first section of the ens_config.json file (i.e. between the first two comments) mostly controls settings analagous to those set during normal GEOS-Chem run directory creation. However, there are a few unique options in this setting particular to CHEEREIO. We’ll consider these one-by-one.


GEOS-Chem model version (e.g. “14.1.1”). Different behaviors are required for different model versions, so this field is essential.


The resolution of the GEOS-Chem model. Options are available on the GEOS-Chem website and include 4.0x5.0, 2.0x2.5, 0.5x0.625, 0.25x0.3125 and nested grid settings in format TwoLetterCode_MetCode (e.g. AS_MERRA2, EU_GEOSFP). Custom nested domains are not currently supported by the automated scaling factor creation utility but can be manually added by the user. If there is enough interest I will add more automated support in a later CHEEREIO update.


Once the CHEEREIO ensemble is installed, the resolution cannot be changed without re-installing the ensemble. CHEEREIO sets up a number of LETKF-specific routines assuming a specific resolution (including the parallelization design), and will fail if the resolution is adjusted after this setup is complete.


Meteorology (chosen from MERRA2, GEOSFP, or ModelE2.1).


Number of levels (47 or 72).


Is this a nested grid simulation? “T” or “F”.


Two letter region code for nested grid, or empty string (“”) if not.


Full path to the directory where the CHEEREIO repository is installed (e.g. /n/home12/drewpendergrass/CHEEREIO). Directories in the ens_config.json file should not have trailing forward slashes. Again, when in doubt follow the provided templates.


The name of the CHEEREIO ensemble run (will be the name of the folder containing the ensemble, template run directory, temporary files, and so on).


Path to the directory where ensembles will be created. A folder with name RUN_NAME will be created inside.


Path to where external GEOS-Chem data is located. This can be an empty string if GEOS-Chem has already been configured on your machine (it is automatically overwritten).


If the subsequent option, “USE_CHEEREIO_TEMPLATE_CH4_HEMCO_Config”, is set to “True”, then this is the root folder where emissions and other input files for the methane specialty simulation are located. In this case, a special CHEEREIO HEMCO_Config.rc template from the templates/ folder in the code directory is used.


This option is functional but currently causes GEOS-Chem crashes with an unknown cause (DP, 2022/03/09).


See above entry.


Full path to the restart file for the simulation. If in the initialization process you selected SetupSpinupRun=true, then this restart file will be used for the classic spin up routine (getting realistic atmospheric conditions for the entire ensemble). Otherwise, this will be the restart file used to initialize all ensemble members.


Full path to the boundary condition files for the simulation if you are using a nested grid (empty string otherwise).


Simulation type. Valid options are “fullchem”, “aerosol”, “CH4”, “CO2”, “Hg”, “POPs”, “tagCH4”, “tagCO”, “tagO3”, and “TransportTracers”.


Options are “trop+strat” and “trop_only”.


Options are “none”, “benchmark”, “complexSOA”, “complexSOA_SVPOA”, “marinePOA”, “aciduptake”, “TOMAS15”, “TOMAS40”, “APM”, “RRTMG”, “BaP”, “PHE”, and “PYR”. Depending on the simulation type only some will be available. Consult the GEOS-Chem documation for more information.


Would you like CHEEREIO to set up a spinup directory for you? “true” or “false”. The ensemble will automatically start from the end restart file produced by this run. Note this option is for the standard GEOS-Chem spinup (run once for the whole ensemble). Note that if this is activated, you have to run the utility with the SetupSpinupRun switch set to true.


Start date for spinup (YYYYMMDD). Empty string if no spinup.


End date for spinup (YYYYMMDD).


The control run is a normal GEOS-Chem simulation without any assimilation. The output of this simulation can be compared with the LETKF results in the postprocessing workflow. Set to “true” if using a control run (most users). There are two ways of doing control runs in CHEEREIO, which are detailed in the next entry on this page and on The Control Run Directory page.


CHEEREIO has two ways of running a control simulation. The preferred method, which is activated by setting this option to true, is to run the control simulation as an additional ensemble member with label 0 (ensemble members used for assimilation are numbered starting at 1). This allows the control simulation to match non-assimilation adjustments performed on the ensemble, such as scaling concentrations to be non-biased relative to observations. The control directory in this case is created automatically when the utility is used to create the ensemble. If this option is set to false, and DO_CONTROL_RUN is set to true, then the control simulation is created as an additional run directory at the top directory level (analagous to The Spinup Run Directory). This keeps the control simulation fully separate from the ensemble and any non-assimilation adjustments that are performed. In this case, you have to run the utility with the SetupControlRun switch set to true to create the control run directory. More information is available on The Control Run Directory page.


Start date for the control run (YYYYMMDD). (Unnecessary if DO_CONTROL_WITHIN_ENSEMBLE_RUNS is set to true)


End date for the control run (YYYYMMDD).


Do you want to use a separate job array to spin up your GEOS-Chem ensemble with randomized scaling factors applied to each ensemble member? “true” or “false”. If set to “true”, shell scripts entitled and are installed in the ensemble_runs/ folder. The user should then execute to spin up the ensemble and create variability between ensemble members before executing in the normal run procedure. For more information on the ensemble spinup process, see The two ensemble spinup approaches.


It is possible to start the ensemble spinup procedure using a boundary condition file, rather than a traditional restart file. Set to “true” if using a BC file, and “false” if using a normal restart file to start the ensemble spinup.


Start date for ensemble spinup run (YYYYMMDD).


End date for ensemble spinup run (YYYYMMDD).


Start date for main ensemble data assimilation run (YYYYMMDD).


Date where assimilation begins (YYYYMMDD). This option allows you to run the first assimilation period for an extra long time (although the assimilation window remains the same), effectively providing an ensemble-wide spinup. For more information on this ensemble spinup option, see The two ensemble spinup approaches. If you have set DO_ENS_SPINUP to true, then you should set this date to be one assimilation window later than START_DATE.


At the end of the first assimilation period, rather than doing the full LETKF calculation, CHEEREIO can scale the ensemble mean so that it matches the observational mean. This is done because if the model is biased relative to observations the LETKF will perform suboptimal updates. Set to “true” to do this scaling (recommended) or “false” to do the usual LETKF calculation. For more information, see Scaling GEOS-Chem to match observations.


End date for ensemble run (YYYYMMDD).


At the end of the ensemble spinup period, the spread in ensemble members may still not be great enough. If this option is set to “true”, then CHEEREIO will multiply the standard deviation of the ensemble after ensemble spinup is complete by the factor given in SPREAD_AMPLIFICATION_FACTOR. This spread amplification is done after the first assimilation period, so it will work with either spinup method. For more information, see Amplifying the ensemble spread.


If AMPLIFY_ENSEMBLE_SPREAD_FOR_FIRST_ASSIM_PERIOD is set to “true”, then this is the factor with which CHEEREIO will multiply the ensemble standard deviation at the end of the ensemble spinup period. For more information on the burn-in period, see The burn in period.


Should CHEEREIO do a burn-in period? “true” or “false.” A burn-in period is a time period where full LETKF assimilation is being applied, but the results will be discarded from final analysis. The idea of a burn in period is to allow CHEEREIO’s emissions to “catch up” with the system, as it takes time for the updated emissions in CHEEREIO to become consistent with observations. For more information on the burn-in period, see The burn in period.


If this option and DO_BURN_IN are both set to “true”, then at the end of the burn-in period (a date given by BURN_IN_END) CHEEREIO will scale the ensemble mean to match the observational mean, as in the SIMPLE_SCALE_FOR_FIRST_ASSIM_PERIOD option. This ensures that any biases introduced in the period where CHEEREIO emissions are “catching up” with observations are corrected. For more information on the burn-in period, see The burn in period.


If DO_BURN_IN is set to true, then this is the date (YYYYMMDD) when the burn-in period ends.


The date when the postprocessing script should start (YYYYMMDD). This should always be at least one assimilation window away from START_DATE. If you are using a burn-in period, you can set this for after the burn-in period ends to ensure that all your analysis discards this period.


The date when the postprocessing script should end (YYYYMMDD). Usually the same as END_DATE, though the user can change the postprocess start and end dates to fit whatever application they are interested in.


Number of ensemble members. 24, 32, or 48 are usually good numbers. This number of run directories will be created in the ensemble_runs folder and will be run simultaneously.


Amount of information to print out as the ensemble runs. 1 is the default. 0 supresses most output, 2 is useful for basic debugging, and 3 for intense debugging.

Cluster settings

The next section of the ens_config.json file controls settings that will be used when submitting jobs to the scheduler. These settings overwrite the template batch submission scripts included with CHEEREIO.


Number of cores used in each of the ensemble runs. CHEEREIO also will use these cores to parallelize assimilation computation columnwise.


Number of cores to use in the control run simulation, if using.


Partition of your cluster you are submitting to. At Harvard, huce_intel is a good choice.


Memory in megabytes used by each ensemble member. CHEEREIO can be quite memory intensive because it loads in restarts and history files for many ensemble members in addition to observations, and sometimes produces large matrices, so expect to use more than in standard GEOS-Chem runs.


Memory in megabytes for ensemble spinup, control, and regular spinup simulations (i.e. those simulations without LETKF assimilation). Set as you would a normal GEOS-Chem simulation.


Time allowed for the overall assimilation process (runs and assimilation) to occur in format D-HH\\:MM. Assimilation adds substantial overhead so expect it to be slow.


Time allowed for the ensemble spinup process (no assimilation, just running all ensemble members from ENS_SPINUP_START through ENS_SPINUP_END with scaling factors applied) in format D-HH\\:MM. If not using, you can just leave as an empty string.


Wall time for the control run simulation, if you’re using one separate from the ensemble itself. Empty string otherwise.


Wall time for the spinup simulation, if you’re using one. Empty string otherwise.


The name of the Conda environment with all of the CHEEREIO packages installed. It is strongly recommended that you install an environment using the cheereio.yaml file that ships with CHEEREIO in the environments/ folder.


The name of the Conda environment that has the tools necessary to make animated postprocessing plots. It is strongly recommended that you install an environment using the animation.yml file that ships with CHEEREIO in the environments/ folder.


Maximum number of cores to use while assimilating columns in parallel using CHEEREIO, maxing out at NumCores. Setting this number smaller than NumCores saves on memory but adds to the assimilation time.

Species in state/control vectors

One useful feature of CHEEREIO is its distinction between “control” and “state” vectors. The state vector should consist of all concentrations relevant to the problem at hand as well as the emissions of interest (e.g. large chemical families). The control vector is a subset of the state vector, and represents concentrations and the same emissions of interest that the user believes can reasonably be updated on the basis of observations. In many cases the control vector and state vector are identical. However, in some cases removing species from the control vector can help CHEEREIO handle ensemble behavior. Although the entire state vector is used to calculate the concentration and emissions update, only the control vector is actually updated. In practice, this distinction helps tamp down on noise and create well-behaved assimilations.


Species from the restart files to be included in the state vector. It is generally recommended to include a range of species that might affect the species you are mainly interested in, but not so large a range that you end up analyzing noise. Given as an array. Note that this can be left empty to do a pure emissions optimization without adjusting concentrations. This is an example for NOx data assimilation:


A subset of the state vector concentration species that will be updated by assimilation. Although an update for all members of the state vector will be calculated, only the species listed in this array will have that update saved. This allows a wide range of species to be considered in the update calculation process but only a smaller, more tightly coupled subset of species to actually be changed and passed to GEOS-Chem. The goal is to tamp down on noise. Again, in many simulations the state vector and control vector entries will be identical. Note that this can be left empty to do a pure emissions optimization without adjusting concentrations.


How are concentrations represented within the state vector? There are several options. “3D” puts all 3D concentrations of the species in STATE_VECTOR_CONC from the restart file into the state vector. column_sum computes the partial columns of the species of interest and then sums to obtain units molec/cm2. Finally, trop_sum is identical to column_sum except that it only represents the tropospheric column.


A dictionary linking a label for emissions scalings to the species emitted. For example, you could write "CH4_WET" : "CH4" to reference wetland methane emissions. CHEEREIO automatically will update HEMCO_Config.rc accordingly, but cannot distinguish between different emissions of the same species on its own; the user has to manually edit HEMCO_Config.rc to correct this if distinguishing between different sources of the same species. For a more thorough explanation, see the entry in The Template Run Directory. You can also use one label to link to emissions of multiple species, meaning that all these emissions will be controlled by one scaling factor file, such as "NOx":["NO","NO2"] to indicate that NO and NO2are controlled by one scaling factor file. Here are a couple of examples:



HISTORY.rc settings


A list of collections under HISTORY.rc that CHEEREIO will customize with user-specified frequency and duration settings. Here is a typical example:

"HISTORY_collections_to_customize" : [

Frequency of data saved within history output files listed within collections in HISTORY_collections_to_customize. For more information on history frequencies, see the GEOS-Chem manual.


As in HISTORY_freq, but for duration.


Frequency of history output files saved during ensemble spinup (i.e. when executing Often set to be a longer period to save memory.


As in SPINUP_HISTORY_freq, but for duration.


Should the LevelEdgeDiags collection be turned on? “True” or “False”. This is mandatory for assimilating most forms of satellite data.


Should the StateMet collection be turned on? “True” or “False”. This is mandatory for assimilating some forms of satellite data, like OMI NO2.


Should grid cell areas be used in the assimilation process? “True” or “False”.


A list of species to save in the SpeciesConc collection. At minimum, this should encompass the concentration portion of the state vector and any concentrations needed for observation operators. Below is an example:

"HistorySpeciesConcToSave" : [

A list of data to save in the LevelEdgeDiags collection. Just Met_PEDGE is sufficient for many forms of assimilation.


A list of data to save in the StateMet collection. Below is an example of necessary fields for assimilating OMI NO2.

"HistoryStateMetToSave" : [

For every collection in HISTORY_collections_to_customize that has not already been discussed (SpeciesConc, LevelEdgeDiags, StateMet), the user can create a new entry in the configuration file following the pattern of HistoryLevelEdgeDiagsToSave or HistoryStateMetToSave but with the names and entries of their collection of interest. For example, if the user included Restart in HISTORY_collections_to_customize, they might write the following:

"HistoryRestartToSave" : [

Observation settings


A dictionary linking a label for observations with the species observed. For example, you could write "NO2_SATELLITE" : "NO2" to reference satellite observations of NO2.


A dictionary linking a label for observations with the observer type, so that CHEEREIO knows how to interpret observation files. One entry is required for each entry in OBSERVED_SPECIES, with every key from OBSERVED_SPECIES represented here. Valid values include “OMI” and “TROPOMI”, or any other observation operator type added to CHEEREIO by you or by other users listed in operators.json. Instructions on how to add an observation operator to CHEEREIO such that it can be switched on from OBS_TYPE in the configuration file are given in the New observation: page.


A dictionary linking a label for observations (key) with a switch (“True” or “False”) indicating whether or not those observations will be used in the LETKF calculation (value). If observations are not used in the LETKF (i.e. set to “False”), then CHEEREIO will use the observations only for making postprocessing plots and calculations; the user can treat these observations as an external data source for validation.


Note: Even if a value of False is given for a given observer, entries for that observer still need to be given in any dictionary setting referencing OBSERVED_SPECIES. In many cases (e.g. errors) the values will be ignored.


Dictionary linking observed TROPOMI species to the directory containing the observations. If you aren’t using TROPOMI, this can be left blank. Here is an example, along with the corresponding OBSERVED_SPECIES settings:

        "CH4_TROPOMI": "CH4"
"TROPOMI_dirs" : {
        "CH4" : "/n/holylfs05/LABS/jacob_lab/dpendergrass/tropomi/NO2/2019"

As in TROPOMI_dirs, but for OMI.


With the exception of ObsPack observations (which are handled separately), users can link directories for any observer listed in operators.json using the above pattern from TROPOMI_dirs (e.g. OMI_dirs). Note that other observation operators can be added as separate key entries in this configuration file by following the instructions on the New observation: page.


A dictionary linking a label for observations with the maximum poleward extent of observations allowed. For example, a value of 60 would exclude all observations polewards of 60 degrees latitude. One entry is required for each entry in OBSERVED_SPECIES, with every key from OBSERVED_SPECIES represented here. Set a given value to nan to ignore.


Should CHEEREIO calculate and save the Degrees of Freedom for Signal (DOFS), or the trace of the observing system averaging kernel matrix? Note that since the prior error covariance matrix is not invertible because of our ensemble approach the pseudoinverse is used instead. See section 11.5.3 of Brasseur and Jacob for more information. The idea here is that if there is not enough information in a localized assimilation calculation we should set the posterior equal to the prior.


Note: this option is functional but DOFS values are not easily interpretable; hold off use for now while we think of alternative definitions in our rank-deficient space (DP, 2022/11/07).


What is the minimum DOFS for a localized region for the assimilation to be saved? If DOFS is below this threshold the posterior is set equal to the prior.


Note: per previous note, leave set to “nan” (DP, 2022/11/07).


true or false, should we activate ObsPack? Set to true if and only if ObsPack is being used as an observed species in the assimilation (i.e. if and only if “OBSPACK” is listed as a value somewhere in the OBS_TYPE dictionary). Subsequent ObsPack entries are ignored if set to false. More information on the ObsPack operator is given in the ObsPack tools entry.


true or false, would you like CHEEREIO to automatically process raw obspack observation files (as downloaded from NOAA) so that they are compatible to input into both CHEEREIO and GEOS-Chem?


If preprocess_raw_obspack_files is set to true, then supply the path to the location of raw obspack files, without any preprocessing applied, as downloaded from NOAA. CHEEREIO will handle these directly.


Note: Lee Murray reports that NOAA doesn’t use consistent fields across ObsPack versions. Manual adjustments may be necessary, as discussed in the below entry (DP, 2023/12/06).


Path where CHEEREIO and GEOS-Chem should find preprocessed ObsPack observation files which are compatible with GEOS-Chem. If preprocess_raw_obspack_files is true, this directory can be empty and will be populated automatically by CHEEREIO during a preprocessing step at ensemble installation time.


Note: Lee Murray reports that NOAA doesn’t use consistent fields across ObsPack versions. If you get an error the preprocessing step (performed during ensemble run directory creation in the installation workflow), or you already have ObsPack files processed, you should set the preprocess_raw_obspack_files variable to false and supply an already populated directory of manually preprocessed files. Details for how to do this are provided in the ObsPack documentation for GEOS-Chem. (DP, 2023/12/06).


The file naming convention for obspack input data. This is used (1) by CHEEREIO in the pre-processing step when generating GEOS-Chem compatible ObsPack input files, and (2) by GEOS-Chem in the ObsPack diagnostic generation. For example, might be appropriate for a methane simulation; the important part is that YYYYMMDD be present somewhere in the string.


A list of data to save in the ObsPack collection.Below is an example used for a methane experiment:

"HistoryObsPackToSave" : [

Scaling factor settings


Setting for initial emissions scaling factor creation, where the number provided \(\sigma\) is used to generate random scaling factors from a distribution specified in the lognormalErrors and correlatedInitialScalings entries. This value is specified by a dictionary where the key is one of the keys in CONTROL_VECTOR_EMIS and the value is a float. Every key in CONTROL_VECTOR_EMIS must be represented here.


There are two possible interpretations of init_std_dev depending on the corresponding value in correlatedInitialScalings.

correlatedInitialScalings equals False

If the corresponding value in correlatedInitialScalings is False, then the init_std_dev entry \(\sigma\) is used to generate random scaling factors from the distribution \(n{\sim}N(1,\sigma)\), meaning that n is a normal random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation \(\sigma\). For example, if init_std_dev is “0.25” then scalings will have mean 1 and standard devation 0.25. In this case, there is no correlation between neighboring scale factors (i.e. they are i.i.d.).

correlatedInitialScalings equals True

The other “std” option, where correlatedInitialScalings is True, means that we sample scaling factors from a multivariate normal distribution. If speedyCorrelationApprox is turned off, then this is a true sampling from a multivariate normal distribution. The mean is a vector of ones and the covariance matrix is generated with exponentially decaying correlation as a function of distance. More specifically, the covariance between points \(a\) and \(b\) with distance \(d\) kilometers between them is given by \(\exp(-d^2/(2*c))\) where \(c\) is a correlation distance constant in kilometers given by the corrDistances entry (specified as a dictionary with keys from CONTROL_VECTOR_EMIS). However, sampling a multivariate normal distribution like this can take an extraordinarily large amount of time and memory. CHEEREIO includes a very fast approximation to a multivariate normal distribution which is generated by applying a Gaussian blur to uncorrelated noise. To use this option, set speedyCorrelationApprox to True (strongly recommended for any resolution higher than 4x5).


See above entry for correlatedInitialScalings.


See above entry for correlatedInitialScalings. A suitable entry for an approximated multivariate normal sample is given below:

"init_std_dev" : {
"correlatedInitialScalings" : {
"corrDistances" : {
"speedyCorrelationApprox" : "True",
"lognormalErrors" : "False",

CHEEREIO supports lognormal errors for scaling factors, which can be activated using this settings. Emissions often follow a lognormal distribution, making this a reasonable choice of representation; it also naturally enforces a zero floor for emissions without squashing the ensemble spread. If activated, CHEEREIO will (1) sample the normal distributions mentioned in the entry for correlatedInitialScalings with a location parameter (mean) of 0, and then (2) take the exponential of the sample (which will then center on 1). GEOS-Chem will use these lognormally distributed samples in the physical model run, but the scaling factors will be log-transformed back into a normal distribution with mean 0 for LETKF calculations. They will again be transformed via an exponential into lognormal space for the next GEOS-Chem run. A suitable entry for an approximated multivariate lognormal sample is given below:

"init_std_dev" : {
"correlatedInitialScalings" : {
"corrDistances" : {
"speedyCorrelationApprox" : "True",
"lognormalErrors" : "True",

Sometimes users would like to include additional initial emissions perturbations to regions of interest, such as areas with higher emissions; such perturbations allow more granularity in the posterior solution in these locations. The setting is supplied as a dictionary, where a key is present for every key in CONTROL_VECTOR_EMIS and corresponds to a value given as a subdictionary. Each subdictionary will contain the following values:

  • do_add_pert: True or False, should additional initial perturbations be applied for this emission?

  • file: a dictionary listing two important pieces of information:
    • file: path to an input NetCDF file used to calculate additional perturbations

    • variable: variable within the NetCDF input file used to calculate perturbations

  • max_pert: the maximum perturbation applied to the initiaon scaling factors (applied additively). For example, a value of 0.5 means that at most a given grid cell will deviate by 0.5 from the default randomization.

  • saturation: all values within the NetCDF variable supplied above greater than this value will map to max_pert. For example, if saturation is 1e-9 then any value greater than 1e-9 maps to max_pert, while 0.5e-9 would map to half of max_pert and so on.

The idea here is that an emissions file can be supplied, and areas with greater emissions will be perturbed by a uniform random variable with a maximum range of \([-\text{max_pert}, \text{max_pert}]\); in areas with lower emissions, the random variable will have a range given by the emission value over the saturation times max_pert.

An example entry for methane, where initial perturbations are modified sich that areas with greater emissions have greater perturbations, is given below:

"additional_init_perturbation_from_emis" : {
        "CH4" : {
                        "file" : "/n/holyscratch01/jacob_lab/dpendergrass/GC-LETKF/input_data/",
                        "variable" : "EmisCH4_Total"

Should scaling factors be allowed to vary over the oceans? A dictionary with keys matching CONTROL_VECTOR_EMIS and with values of “True” or “False” for each entry. If “True”, scaling factors for that species over the ocean are always set to 1 across all ensemble members (i.e. no assimilation calculated).


Should we use a looser definition of ocean, including grid cells with at least 25% ocean within the definition? “True” or “False”. If oceans are masked, setting this to “True” eliminates many coastal cells which can have problematic satellite retrievals for some products.


Should scaling factors above 60 N always be set to 1? A dictionary with keys matching CONTROL_VECTOR_EMIS and with values of “True” or “False” for each entry.


Should scaling factors below 60 S always be set to 1? A dictionary with keys matching CONTROL_VECTOR_EMIS and with values of “True” or “False” for each entry.


What is the minimum scaling factor allowed? A dictionary with keys matching CONTROL_VECTOR_EMIS and with float values for each entry. Set to “nan” if no minimum scaling factor is enforced.


As above, but for the maximum scaling factors allowed.


CHEEREIO includes support for inflating posterior scaling factor standard deviations to a certain percentage of the initial standard deviation. A dictionary with keys matching CONTROL_VECTOR_EMIS and with float values for each entry, where “0.3” corresponds with inflating to 30% of the initial standard deviation (the recommended value). Set to “nan” to ignore.


The maximum relative change per assimilation period allowed for scaling factors. For example, a value “0.5” means that no more than a 50% change is allowed for a given scaling factor in a given assimilation period. A dictionary with keys matching CONTROL_VECTOR_EMIS and with float values for each entry, where “nan” ignores this setting.

LETKF settings


A dictionary of regularization factors, with a key corresponding with each key in OBSERVED_SPECIES, which inflates observed error covariance by a factor of \(1/\gamma\).


True or False, should we use a different gamma value during the burn-in period. Supplied as a dictionary with a key corresponding with each key in OBSERVED_SPECIES and values of True or False. Users might want to activate this setting to accelerate assimilation during burn-in. For more information on the burn-in period, see The burn in period.


A dictionary of regularization factors applied during burn-in only, with a key corresponding with each key in OBSERVED_SPECIES, which inflates observed error covariance by a factor of \(1/\gamma\). These can differ from the gamma used during assimilation, but are only applied if the corresponding entry in USE_DIFFERENT_GAMMA_FOR_BURN_IN is set to True.


An dictionary of error information, with a key corresponding with each key in OBSERVED_SPECIES and a float value. The value is interpreted as one of three categories: “relative”, “absolute”, or “product”. This information represents uncertainty in observations. If error is relative, it is given as a decimal (0.1 means 10% relative error). If error is absolute, it is given as the same units as the observations are in (CHEEREIO will square these values for the covariance matrix). If error is “product,” then CHEEREIO uses the error from the observation product. In the product case, the number recorded under OBS_ERROR will not be used. For clarity, only diagonal observational covariance matrices are supported at this time.


A dictionary of error types, with values given as strings reading “relative”, “absolute”, or “product”, and with keys corresponding to each key in OBSERVED_SPECIES. This tells CHEEREIO how to interpret the error data types, as described above.


A dictionary of correlations between errors in data samples, with a key corresponding with each key in OBSERVED_SPECIES and a float value. This value is used to reduce error if the user would like to aggregate multiple observations together onto the GEOS-Chem grid (“super-observations”). More on this below in the AV_TO_GC_GRID entry.


A dictionary of minimum possible errors, with a key corresponding with each key in OBSERVED_SPECIES and a float value. If the user would like to aggregate multiple observations together onto the GEOS-Chem grid (“super-observations”), this value gives the minimum possible error allowable upon error reduction. More on this below in the AV_TO_GC_GRID entry.


A dictionary of dictionaries, with a key corresponding with each key in OBSERVED_SPECIES and a value that itself is a dictionary with additional settings and their values. At this time, the only setting that is applied using this entry is called transport_error, which is used to account for perfectly correlated model transport errors when the user aggregates multiple observations together onto the GEOS-Chem grid (“super-observations”). More information on this in the the AV_TO_GC_GRID entry. Below is valid syntax for this setting:


“True” or “False”, should observations be averaged to the GEOS-Chem grid? Supplied as a dictionary with a key corresponding with each key in OBSERVED_SPECIES and values of True or False. If “False”, the above three entries and the below entry are all ignored for this observation. See the (7) [optional] Add a new super observation error function entry for more information.


A dictionary with a key corresponding with each key in OBSERVED_SPECIES, and a value corresponding to one of the super observation error reduction functions listed in the (7) [optional] Add a new super observation error function entry. These include default, sqrt, or constant. Users can add new superobservation functions within the produceSuperObservationFunction closure in the file and activate them from this entry; see the (7) [optional] Add a new super observation error function entry for more information.


\(\rho-1\) from Hunt et. al. (2007). A small number (start with something between 0 and 0.1 and slowly increase according to testing) that inflates the ensemble range. In ensemble Kalman filters, uncertainty usually decreases too quickly and must manually be reinflated.


Length in hours of assimilation window. The assimilation window refers to the period in which GEOS-Chem is run and observations are accumulated; the data assimilation update is calculated in one go within this window. The data assimilation literature contains extensive discussion of this concept.


Maximum number of observations used in a column assimilation calculation. If the number of observations available is greater than this value, then CHEEREIO will randomly throw out observations until only MAXNUMOBS remain.


Minimum number of observations for a column assimilation calculation to be performed. If the number of observations is below this number, no assimilation is calculated and the posterior is set to the prior.


When updating a column, CHEEREIO only considers data and observations within this radius (in kilometers).


True or False, weight observations such that more distant ones count less and smoothly transition to a weight of zero at or exceeding the LOCALIZATION_RADIUS_km. This leads to smoother behavior; weighting is supplied by the Gaspari-Cohn function, which is a piecewise function resembling a Gaussian with compact support.


“True” or “False”, should the posterior be set to a weighted average of the prior and the posterior calculated in the LETKF algorithm? If set to true, the prior weight in the average is given by PriorWeightinPriorPosteriorAverage in the next setting.


The prior weight if averaging with the posterior from the LETKF. A value between 0 and 1.


“True” or “False”, should the posterior scaling factors be set to a weighted average of the prior (i.e. 1) and the posterior calculated in the LETKF algorithm? If set to true, the prior weight in the average is given by PriorWeightinSFAverage in the next setting.


The prior weight if averaging scaling factors with the posterior from the LETKF. A value between 0 and 1.

Run-in-place settings


True or False, should we do a run-in-place simulation. See Running in place for more information.


In hours, the run-in-place assimilation window. In run-in-place simulations, the ASSIM_TIME variable is now interpreted as the run-in-place observation window. See Running in place for more information.


True or False, should we use a different assimilation window during the burn in period for a run-in-place simulation. See Running in place for more information.


In hours, the run-in-place assimilation window during the burn in period only.


True or False, should we do a rerun simulation. See Re-run simulations for more information.


True or False, if using a rerun simulation with number_of_windows_to_rerun set to a value larger than 1, should we use linear regression to extrapolate GEOS-Chem results? This is an advanced setting. See Re-run simulations for more information.


A list of species concentrations. If APPROXIMATE_VARON_RERUN is True, which species concentrations should we approximate with linear regression? This is an advanced setting. See Re-run simulations for more information.


If DO_VARON_RERUN is set to True, how many assimilation windows should we rerun? For most users, this value should be 1. See Re-run simulations for more information.

Postprocessing settings


Frames per second for movies of scaling factors and emissions made by the postprocessing workflow.


Frames per second for movies of concentrations made by the postprocessing workflow.


Some postprocessing plots show the difference between assimilation output and observations; we can omit grid cells with very few observations to prevent noisy results.


An array of entries from HEMCO Diagnostics that you would like processed into movies. This is usually emissions totals. See below for an example entry:

"hemco_diags_to_process" : [

“True” or “False”, use log color scale to plot emissions from HEMCO.


Minimum emission value to plot; useful if using a log scale.


Minimum ensemble standard deviation emission value to plot; useful if using a log scale.


A dictionary with keys from OBSERVED_SPECIES and values representing the units will be plotted. This is governed by how the observation operator is defined.


A dictionary with keys from OBSERVED_SPECIES and values listing entries within the ObsData class (created by observation operators) which should be saved to postprocessing. Available obsdata fields will differ by observation operators and are listed on the Existing observation operators page in the section corresponding with the observation operator you are using. For example, TROPOMI CH4 supports saving albedo information for diagnostic plots, while ObsPack CH4 has additional identification metrics. A user wishing to save three kinds of albedo from TROPOMI and obspack ids would supply the following:

        "CH4_TROPOMI" : [
        "CH4_OBSPACK" : [

A ditionary with keys from OBSERVED_SPECIES and values listing entries within the ObsData class (created by observation operators) that should be regridded and plotted in the postprocessing step. This usually is identical with the above entry unless users would like to save but not plot a given field (this is common for ObsPack data, where obspack_id may be saved but does not make sense to plot). The user in the above case might supply the following:

        "CH4_TROPOMI" : [
        "CH4_OBSPACK" : []

This is because the ObsPack ID information is not useful to plot.

If you are writing a new observation operator and would like to ensure that postprocessing routines will plot an important observational quantity (e.g. albedo), see the Adding a new observation field to the postprocessing workflow page.


If users are plotting additional ObsData fields supplied in the above entry, then this entry supplies the units that are the plots. Supplied as a dictionary where keys are all the ObsData fields listed above and values are units. An example for albedo is supplied below:


A dictionary listing observers which the user would like plotted as points, rather than a grid. Keys can include any keys from OBSERVED_SPECIES and values are the the field listing individual observer locations. If a value is not listed, then it is assumed to be plotted as a field (default behavior). For example, in the example simulations above, we have both tropomi and obspack observations (keyed as CH4_TROPOMI and CH4_OBSPACK respectively). This user might like to plot individual obspack sites but leave tropomi data to be plotted as a 2D field. Obspack sites are separated by site_code, so the user would supply this entry as follows:


The CHEEREIO postprocessing routine will save out maps of scale at this temporal resolution: either “all” for save out an image for every assimilation window, or “monthly” to save out monthly means.


Additional CHEEREIO settings, usually for specific observation types, can be loaded in through extensions. Extensions in CHEEREIO are extra JSON files that store additional settings in order to prevent clutter in the ens_config.json file. Extensions can easily be added by saving a file with name NAME_extension.json within the extensions/ folder. To load in the settings within the NAME_extension.json file, add the key NAME to the “Extensions” dictionary in ens_config.json with value “True”. Below is an example where we load in the settings in the TROPOMI_CH4_extension.json and CH4_extension.json files.

"Extensions": {

Below we list the settings that you can set with extensions.

TROPOMI_CH4 extension

Specialized TROPOMI CH4 settings.


Which TROPOMI product should we use? “DEFAULT” for the TROPOMI operational product, ‘ACMG’ for the ACMG TROPOMI product, and ‘BLENDED’ for Belasus et al., 2023.


Apply specialized filters for TROPOMI methane? Set to “True” if doing a TROPOMI methane inversion, otherwise set to “False”.


Filter out TROPOMI methane observations with a blended albedo above this value. Set to “nan” to ignore.


Filter out TROPOMI methane observations with a SWIR albedo below this value. Set to “nan” to ignore.


Filter out TROPOMI methane observations with a SWIR albedo above this value. Set to “nan” to ignore.


Filter out TROPOMI methane observations beyond this latitude in the winter hemisphere. Set to “nan” to ignore.


Filter out TROPOMI methane observations with a surface roughness above this value. Set to “nan” to ignore.


Filter out TROPOMI methane observations with a SWIR AOT above this value. Set to “nan” to ignore.

CH4 extension

Specialized settings for methane simulations.


Should we overwrite the OH field setting in HEMCO_Config.rc for the specialty CH4 simulation with a user-specified entry (given below)? “True” or “False”.


If USE_CUSTOM_CH4_OH_ENTRY is True, then we overwrite the OH field line in HEMCO_Config.rc with this entry. Note that backslashes need to be escaped with a front slash. Here is an example entry: * GLOBAL_OH  $ROOT\/OH\/v2014-09\/v5-07-08\/ OH           1985\/1-12\/1\/0 C xyz kg\/m3 * - 1 1

TROPOMI_CO extension

Specialized TROPOMI CO settings.


Which TROPOMI product should we use? Currently, only “DEFAULT” is supported.


Apply specialized filters for TROPOMI CO? Set to “True” if doing a TROPOMI CO inversion, otherwise set to “False”.


Filter out TROPOMI CO observations with a blended albedo above this value. Set to “nan” to ignore.


Filter out TROPOMI CO observations with a SWIR albedo below this value. Set to “nan” to ignore.


Filter out TROPOMI CO observations with a SWIR albedo above this value. Set to “nan” to ignore.


Filter out TROPOMI CO observations beyond this latitude in the winter hemisphere. Set to “nan” to ignore.


Filter out TROPOMI CO observations with a surface roughness above this value. Set to “nan” to ignore.


Filter out TROPOMI CO observations with a SWIR AOT above this value. Set to “nan” to ignore.

OMI_NO2 extension

Specialized settings for the OMI NO2 operator.


Apply specialized filters for OMI NO2? Set to “True” if doing an OMI NO2 inversion, otherwise set to “False”.


Filter out OMI NO2 observations with a solar zenith angle above this value. Set to “nan” to ignore.


Filter out OMI NO2 observations with a cloud radiance fraction above this value. Set to “nan” to ignore.


Filter out OMI NO2 observations with a surface albedo above this value. Set to “nan” to ignore.